Thursday 29 October 2009

Customs to grasp KENT costs cigarettes

More than seven millions counterfeit cigarettes have been withdrawn in Northeast customs by a move, confirming region as one of the worst of Great Britain of flashpoints "for contraband. Illegal transportation, Kent is estimated in the sum from above, has been detained by employees of customs while it carry in commercial premises around Easington from a county Durham. Withdrawal has occurred last Friday and customs has told yesterday that the organised criminal groupings stood up for illicit operation. Advertising continuation... HM Revenue and the customs duties (НТС) the head of detection, John Kinghorn has told:" НТС has underlined the Northeast as one of the worst areas in Great Britain for illicit cigarettes and tobacco, and it shows that region capture plays a receiving party have organised criminal gangs which stand up for high level of contraband a crime. "Some people, he has told, it is supposed that contraband by cigarettes was low enough crime rate and public close on it eyes." That they do not understand that this activity of means of large business concerning criminals and their gang ", he has told." These gangs will go on much, for contraband of the goods and they bring huge profit at the expense of fair tax bearers. "He has added:" Contraband of cigarettes often provides financing much more criminal operations, such as contraband of drugs and a human trafic. For these reasons it is necessary for us only to get rid of criminals in this activity. "г Kinghorn also has warned against purchase cheap or duty-free cigarettes or tobacco". People can feel that they receive the good transaction, having kept pair of pounds on their package. Nevertheless, they not only financings of criminal activity, but they will be a serious damage to their health. "Customs bosses also has urged the public to inform on purpose them if they saw a considerable quantity of cigarettes loading or unloading time." If you have an information about any these actions HMRC urge you to respond and help to struggle to us with criminals in your area, "Mr. Kinghorn has told.

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